11 Things the Quran Tells Us About How to Live?

11 Things the Quran Tells Us About How to Live?

The Quran is the sacred text of Islam, believed by Muslims to contain the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Beyond outlining Islamic beliefs, the Quran offers profound guidance on living a meaningful, ethical life. Finding a Quran teacher in London is a valuable opportunity for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of Islam and the teachings of the Quran. London, a diverse and multicultural city, provides a conducive environment for individuals to connect with experts.

Here are 11 key lessons from the Quran:

Live Humbly and Stay Grounded

The Quran emphasizes the importance of living humbly and avoiding arrogance. It reminds us that all human beings, regardless of wealth or status, are equal and transient in the eyes of God.

“Do not turn your cheek in scorn toward people, and do not walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-deluded and boastful” (31:18).

By keeping our egos in check and our hearts open to others, we can lead more fulfilling lives. Having an attitude of humility also enables us to recognize our shortcomings and strive sincerely to overcome them.

Read More: Best Benefits of Teaching Quran for Mind, Spirit, and Community

Read More: What is the Real Purpose of Life in Islam?

Treat All People with Dignity

The Quran book online stresses the duty to treat all human beings with dignity, respect, and compassion. It condemns attitudes of racial or ethnic superiority, saying

“We have honored the children of Adam” (17:70).

Caring for others demonstrates our shared humanity and brings communities together. The Quran urges special consideration for the poor, the orphaned, the traveler, the hungry, and the vulnerable in society. By supporting those in need through charity and kindness, we uplift entire communities. The Quran also emphasizes justice and fairness toward all people, even those with whom we may disagree.

 “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just” (5:8).

Cultivate Gratitude and Contentment

The Quran extols the virtues of gratitude and contentment, qualities that bring serenity to our lives.

 “Therefore remember Me, and I will remember you, and be grateful to Me” (2:152).

Taking time each day to reflect on our blessings, no matter how meager, engenders an attitude of appreciation. The Quran also reminds us that the pleasures of this world are fleeting. Attachment to material possessions and wealth leads to stress and emptiness. By focusing instead on spiritual fulfillment and good deeds for their own sake, we achieve lasting contentment. The Quran also praises those who spend wealth on charitable deeds without thought of reward or praise. Such selfless giving brings the highest joy.


If you want to learn to read the Quran online then look for reputable online platforms that specialize in Quranic education.

Perform Meaningful Acts

The Quran guides infusing our everyday lives with purpose and meaning. It emphasizes intention and mindfulness rather than completing rituals mechanically.

“Indeed, Allah accepts [only] from the righteous [who fear Him]” (5:27).

Whether working, eating, praying, or spending time with loved ones, bringing awareness and the right intention helps transform mundane acts into spiritual devotion. The Quran also stresses the importance of zakat (charity), salat (prayer), sawm (fasting), and hajj (pilgrimage). By performing these pillars of Islam with mindfulness and sincerity, we establish a deeper connection with God and the community. Even small contributions can make a meaningful impact.

Cultivate Patience and Resilience

The Quran extols the virtues of patience, perseverance, and resilience in the face of hardship.

“O you who have believed, persevere and endure” (3:200).

Hardships are inevitable in life. The Quran teaches that by responding to trials with fortitude and faith rather than anger or despair, we emerge strengthened and at peace. Trusting in God’s wisdom and timing, rather than becoming overwhelmed by present circumstances, allows us to navigate life’s challenges with equanimity. The Quran also emphasizes that ease eventually follows difficulty. Focusing on this hope helps sustain us through painful times. Faith communities also provide crucial support in difficult times. By coming together in salat, dua’a, charity, and other acts of devotion, sharing hardship unites believers.

Strive for Moral Excellence

The Quran provides detailed moral guidance to help individuals live upright, conscientious lives. It outlines virtuous qualities to cultivate, such as honesty, trustworthiness, kindness, generosity, and self-control. The Quran condemns negative qualities like deceit, greed, insincerity, and anger. It reminds believers that Allah is always watching over them, so they must resist temptation and treat others rightly at all times. The Quran also instructs believers to repent immediately if they falter.

“And turn to Allah in repentance, all of you…that you may succeed” (24:31). Accepting responsibility keeps us moving in the direction of moral behavior.

Take the Middle Path

The Quran teaches that Islam is the middle way, balancing worldly enjoyment and responsibility. It encourages believers to avoid extremes in all areas of life. For example, being generous without extravagance or cautious without miserliness.

 “Thus We have made you a middle nation” (2:143).

Islam eschews extreme self-denial as well as overindulgence. Taking the middle path leads to open-hearted and moderate living in harmony with others. The Quran also teaches avoiding extremes of emotion. Responding gently rather than angrily when wronged encourages resolution and forgiveness. Following the straight path enables believers to navigate life’s ups and downs from a centered state.

Care for the Environment

The Quran emphasizes humankind’s duty to steward the natural environment justly and conscientiously.

“It is He who has made you successors upon the earth” (6:165).

 While the planet provides sustenance and enjoyment, humans bear responsibility for protecting its balance. Excessive greed, consumption, and pollution violate this sacred trust. The Quran teaches that all parts of creation reflect Allah’s grandeur, not solely people. Feeling deep reverence and gratitude for the planet’s beauty inspires environmentally ethical behavior. Believers must conserve resources for future generations and avoid wastefulness. By living sustainably, in harmony with nature’s design, we honor our role as caretakers of the Earth.

Strive for Knowledge and Self-Awareness

The Quran elevates the pursuit of knowledge and self-awareness as sacred duties.

“Say, ‘My Lord, increase me in knowledge” (20:114).

It praises humility, reflection, and scholarly debate as paths toward wisdom. Believers should actively seek to expand understanding through study, discourse, and critical thinking. The Quran also directs believers to look within through introspection and meditation. Examining our thoughts and feelings enhances spiritual awareness and helps overcome ego. Contemplating Allah’s magnificence in nature and revelation nurtures awe. Engaging in istighfar (seeking forgiveness) and tawbah (repentance) increases humility and brings us nearer to the Divine presence within and around us.


If you are looking for free online Quran classes in the UK, you may explore various platforms and initiatives that offer Quranic education without charging fees. Here’s the option to consider:

Many mosques and Islamic centers in the UK offer free Quran classes, either in person or online. Contact your local mosque to inquire about their Quranic education programs and whether they provide online classes.

Find Balance in Work and Rest

The Quran teaches believers to pursue a balance between effort and repose. While working diligently to provide for ourselves and our families, we should also regularly reconnect with Allah and our loved ones.

“And it is He who made the night and day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude” (25:62).

Structure days to provide periods of purposeful work as well as time for prayer, play, learning, and connection.

Allah reminds believers to “Stand [in prayer] by night, but not all night” (73:2).

Find opportunities within each day for mindful rest, recreation, and renewal alongside diligent effort. Alternating productivity and relaxation prevents stress and allows us to approach obligations with a fresh perspective.

Nurture Community Ties

The Quran emphasizes that building strong communities enables believers to support each other on the path of guidance. It praises the Ummah, or community of Islam united despite differences in language, ethnicity, and culture. Caring for others through charity and service to the weak and vulnerable in society fortifies the Ummah. The Quran also instructs believers to select friends and partners who uplift faith and character.

“And keep yourself patient by being with those who call upon their Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance” (18:28).

Surrounding ourselves with those committed to spiritual growth fosters our own. Through brotherhood, fellowship, and collective worship believers embody the values of compassion, justice, and purpose at the heart of the Quran.

Read More: Teaching Quran in the UK And Connect with Faith

Read More: 5 Best Surah for Anxiety That Will Help You


The Quran serves as a guide for leading a meaningful and ethical life. While exploring various avenues for Quranic education, it is crucial to recognize the significance of seeking the assistance of a qualified Quran teacher in London.

“Quraan Teacher” proudly serves as an innovative and accessible platform that connects individuals with professional Quran teachers online. Our mission is to facilitate Quranic education for learners of the world! Online learning brings the classroom to your doorstep.
